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It's never too late to get in the best shape of your life...

Hey, I'm Ali Fitz - welcome to AF Fitness. 


My mission is to help you become the strongest, healthiest and f*cking sexiest version of yourself, ever. It's never too late to start.


Over 8 years, I've trained hundreds of clients online and in person. Through that time, I've learned that although we all share the same goals – to look, feel and move better – EVERYONE needs a different approach to achieving it. That's why I work closely with all of my clients to guide them to success in the way that works for them.


Whatever your age or fitness experience, I will tailor a personalised plan that guides you to your goals in a way that fits your unique needs.


It's never too late to start, but the sooner you get going, the sooner you can enjoy feeling and looking your best, so get in touch today and let's get you feeling fit AF.




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At school, I was always last to be picked for team sports. As an adult, I didn't run, lift weights or hardly break a sweat until my mid-twenties. Now in my mid-thirties, I'm stronger, healthier and happier than ever. I want to help you to achieve the same in your life.


Training in the correct way creates the stimulus for your body to adapt and change. I will work closely with you to tailor the right training program for your goals and I'll provide the motivation and accountability you need to achieve it.


Eating well provides the fuel and nutrients your body needs to implement the changes that your training is stimulating. Together, we'll hone your diet to support your training and reach your goals.


I've never eaten meat in my life and I've been completely vegan since 2016, so I'm well versed in the world of plant-fuelled fitness. My clients eat a variety of diets, so if you enjoy meat; that's fine, but if you'd like to build a strong, healthy body, whilst minimising your impact on the planet and the creatures we share it with, then let me show you how.

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